By tmtFurther north from the ruins of the fortress of "Ilios" which was destroyed by a northern expedition a few years ago. It is an extremely cold place, with thick clouds blocking the sunlight and everything covered in ice.
Far away in the distance rises a nightless castle that feels as if it is just around the corner. At first glance, the sea seems calm and tranquil, but as one approaches the castle, a storm is said to be brewing as if to deny something.
数年前の北の大遠征により滅びた"Ilios"fort ruinsから更に北、 分厚い雲が日の光を遮り、全てが氷の中に眠る極寒の大地。
はるかな彼方にも、すぐ目先にもあるように感じる不夜城が聳え立つ。 一見して穏やかに凪いだように見えるその海は、城に近づくにつれて何かを拒むかのように嵐が吹きすさぶという。