The $100$ Million Ether Skull by Big Comic

The $100$ Million Ether Skull

By Big Comic

In 2007 artist Damien Hirst created the artwork, "For the Love of God." The piece was a human skull that was encrusted with 8,601 flawless diamonds. The piece was sold to a private collector for 100 million USD. art historian Rudi Fuchs, described the work as "out of this world, celestial almost. It proclaims victory over decay. At the same time it represents death as something infinitely more relentless. Compared to the tearful sadness of a vanitas scene, the diamond skull is glory itself." Although flawless in itself, this skull represents many flaws with the current artworld, including outrageous prices, elitism circles and amazing absurdity. Ethereum in itself is also represented as a digital diamond of itself. With the blockchain absorbing this piece, represented in a colorful display of computer generated ASCII art, describes a history of art, built upon artists, built upon the current transition of art to the blockchain, and to the people itself away from the circles of power. This is where truly art belongs. This skull can also represent the future and suggest that we can overcome our mortality.

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