MIRAMAR by Nicolas Sassoon


By Nicolas Sassoon

MIRAMAR is an animation portraying a section of seawall exposed to waves of the Atlantic Ocean in my hometown Biarritz, France. At high tide, when the swell is big or when storms are rolling through, this segment of the seawall becomes overrun with foaming water, turning into a playground for local teenagers and catching unsuspecting tourists by surprise. In 2012, I began making animation studies of this location. In 2021, I reworked these animations to finalize them into one.

Artwork information: 1280x800 pixels, 25fps, 12 colors, 270 frames, 2021. Video versions available. This artwork will not be part of a series. The original studies of MIRAMAR from 2012 can be seen at the following link - http://nicolassassoon.com/MIRAMAR.html