RIFT is a digital animation created in 2021 using a moiré patterning technique, consisting in the overlap of two images to generate the illusion of a third image. In my practice, this imaging technique is employed to create abstract textural works inspired by atmospheric, geological and natural forces. In RIFT, images of landslides, tectonic plate movements and 3D normal maps were used as visual references for the final work. The resulting animation appears on screen as an endless hypnotic surface with strong kinetic and optical properties – similar to an all-over painting – generating tensions and oscillations in the perception of depth and flatness within the screen. At large, RIFT relates to many histories of abstraction in painting, optical art, moving image and computer graphics. Geological forces become mediated through a language of digital abstraction, creating an experience reminiscent of both the natural and the digital.

Artwork information: Digital animation (mp4, GIF), 3840x2160 pixels (4K - variable dimensions), 64 frames, 8 colors, 25 frames per second