Digital painting.

Panoramic view of a digitally hand carved metamorphic architectural space.

The name was inspired by GALEX, The Galaxy Evolution Explorer, an orbiting space telescope designed to observe the universe in ultraviolet wavelengths to measure the history of star formation in the universe.

Coming from years of our architectural research in depth our art work invites you on a journey that explores the idea of architectural space.

Gentle lines hide among intense meshes, flowing freely they create a fabric of space or maybe a landscape of a distant asteroid from outer space? Are you an explorer that travels among the stars in space and time to ensure humanity's survival?

This digital painting enables your imagination to travel outside of human perception or maybe even outside of this world.

Each digital painting is a carefully crafted abstract architectural landscape, that explores spatial qualities of landscape, surface and texture. Every piece of our work comes from a process that involves hand sculpting in different mediums, starting from physical sculpting and into a 3D digital hand sculpting technique.

High Resolution

14400 × 10710px 762 ppi

1 of 30

Artwork by MABLAB

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The Curated platform supports openness in the Web3 space. Most of the works featured in this Curator’s Choice section are fetched from external Web3 marketplaces and fall under their respective regulations, and remain the intellectual copyright of the artists. The editorials are non-commercial and we do not take any fees or commissions.