
By Naime Pakniyat

The gentle touch of a cool breeze on blossoms spreads peace and prosperity. Heavenly gifts are everywhere, no battle is needed to get some. But it seems to be a sweet dream I had during an afternoon nap, when the horrific sound of news was filling the background. Opening my eyes, there is still breaking news announcing war and death all around the world. I would like to sleep till the end of this cruel world, yet I’m sure that is not possible. This artwork is visually inspired by Persian miniature, pixelated and animated using Adobe Photoshop in 1086 x 960 pixels.

Video information: MP4 format 12 fps 62 frames 2172 x 1920 pixels

    Curator’s opinion

    Andrea Misiano's photo
    Andrea Misiano

    The Stairway to Heaven is an image that travels between different religious denominations. In Christianity, it is primarily associated with Jacob's Ladder, one of the Old Testament narratives that prophesied the coming of Christ. In Islamic tradition, this motif is more closely related to the Mi'raj, the Prophet Muhammad's night journey to Jerusalem and his ascension to the heavens. In the case of Pakniyat's work, the motif is presented in an abstract form, detached from any specific religious context, and is solemnly revealed on its own.

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