Cybernetic Existentialism

Curator’s choice

Today, virtual communities, generative, chaotic, self-regulating networks, are the new agents of change bringing with them an idiosyncratic type of existentialism. Cyberspace has been explored as a productive ground for speculative post-human thought, bringing to the fore that which the increasing visibility of digital art has made more widely accessible: the rise of new gods, species, and relations, repositioning the place of the human in favor of positing new agencies of power and effective change. Sentiments related to those agencies have also evolved, from the sense of empowerment in existence as a collective being to diversifying the past with a peculiar digital nostalgia and anxiety. In other words, the production of affect in the digital era has been questioned, who and how affects and is affected is now an urgent matter.

Michael Kutsche

New Renaissance

With this work Michael Kutsche, an LA-based German artist known for his potent animation characters made for various film productions, pays tribute to the emergence of virtual communities that are affecting change in, as many call it, the current Renaissance period for digital art. New Renaissance is a portrait in which Kutsche attempts to capture the feeling of a rising era: the childish inquisitiveness, the vivid colors of excitement, and eye-widening wonders.

Luis Ponce

Primitive agents of change

Mexican artist Luis Ponce’s psychedelic landscapes lure the viewer into worlds of intersecting looped systems, acid colors permeated with growing flora, bodies and bodily fragments (undead or otherwise), creating a serial image for a so-called “cybernetic existentialism.” In Primitive agents of change, a more careful examination reveals an omnipresent feature: a four-eyed face, eye-shaped striped balls that sometimes seem to levitate aimlessly, at other times jumping in a nervous and impatient manner, apparently examining what is around them and creating a nascent sense of anxiety. At the same time, systems loop and seem to work smoothly with, or perhaps despite, the psychedelic prospects.

Michael Kutsche

I Promised You Nothing, Now Better Believe in It

The childish inquisitiveness and joyous anticipation for wonders in the earlier work in this selection by Michael Kutsche, gives way to a sense of disillusionment populated by some dark power that keeps one suspended at the threshold between childhood and adulthood. The shiny shapes floating around the teddy bear with the body of a boy, are reminiscent of pharmaceutical pills, enhancing in the viewer the feeling of a luring illness.

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Mediator by Xon!a

Often the world of ideas and the human world need a mediator, an extremely sensitive being who is able to spot the spirit of an idea that has penetrated the human world (they might see it even in the light of a street lamp or the passing headlights of a car). Children are normally considered natural mediators, able to navigate freely between Neverland and the reality of adults. What shape have these mediators taken in the new digital era? A writer and a storyteller as well as an artist, XoniaGar psychic explorations are often populated by such otherworldly migrations.

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