NYC Glass Art by Yura Miron
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“NYC Glass Art” collection

By Yura Miron

Imaginary glass art installations located all around NYC created with combination of ai, overpaint and photography. This series was inspired by my experience of visiting New York City in August and September 2022

NYC Glass Art #6

By ....

This series was inspired by my experience of visiting New York City in August and September 2022. I fell in love with the city and the vibe of newyorkers. I’ve been cycling around Manhattan and Brooklyn, taking photos of cityscapes, enjoying the flow, overwhelmed by the inspiration. After leaving NYC I’ve started imagining glass art installations all around NYC using a combination of ai tools, overpaint and photography, later bringing it all toghether in a collage. I /imagine these glass sculptures to be located on the streets of New York. Created in the USA, completed in Kyiv, Ukraine by Yura Miron.

Reserve price
0.7 ETH (0.7 ETH)