PENCIL ART by shima vosughian
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“PENCIL ART” collection

By shima vosughian

I drew this pieces with pencil, etude, pencil powder, graphite, and conte. I name this pieces by the feelings I get from them when I'm drawing, and usually each piece takes 3-15 days to draw. All hand drawn and physical versions are also available for sale in my links. This is what I am, a hyperreal pencil artist.


By ....

Is it too much? Wish for a smile? Wish for happiness? Wish for liberation? Wish for a day, an hour, or a moment of peace? It's hard, but I wish, I smile...

Hand drew with pencil, etude, pencil powder, graphite, and conte.

physical size: 20.7x21 CM scanned size: 3309x3320 pixels