VITAL FORCE by daryana fly
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“VITAL FORCE” collection

By daryana fly

how much you know about nature is proportionally equal to how much you know yourself


By ....

in my vital force collection, i explore the power of the spirit when connected to its natural habitat. nature has always been my safe heaven. in the worst moments of being, i was gently saved by it. there is some special magic and power to what happens once you release control and let yourself be fully present, completely exploring and enjoying your simple being.
pure magic around us, honestly speaking.

once i need to calm down - i breathe. once i need to release stress - i shout. once i need my body healthy - i simply use it. once i want to get inspired - i look into the sky. once i am depressed - i expose myself to the sun. once i am lost - i become as present as i can.

how much you know about nature is proportionally equal to how much you know yourself

Current price
0.5 ETH (0.5 ETH)