Orcatous by Eddie Vizitrex
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“Orcatous” collection

By Eddie Vizitrex

Hi there I am Eddie the founder of the Orcatous brand. We launched our NFT project which leans toward exclusive art types and with potential opportunities behind the utility and our community in Discord. The most important advantage in this journey is to reduce or even remove the hidden costs in our daily lives on Web3 & Web2, such as monthly payments on many different subscriptions: Spotify, Netflix, Discord Nitro, and so on.

Orcatous #30

By ....

The holistic point of this project and Utility is to establish a connection between web3 and IRL so that we can have an efficient role in shaping the beauty of the real life of the people who are with us. For more information about this join Discord. Size: 3336 x 4776 px
300 DPI

Current price
0.1 ETH (0.1 ETH)