Retratos Populares by Marcão Palhano
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“Retratos Populares” collection

By Marcão Palhano

I portray simple, humble, human people, full of faith, devotion and love for popular culture. Characters that shine, give life and meaning to the party.

Creole Drum

By ....

Mestre Felipe's Crioula Drum performing in the state of São Paulo, in September 2013.

Tambor de creole or punga is a dance of African origin practiced by descendants of African slaves in the Brazilian state of Maranhão, in honor of São Benedito, one of the most popular saints among blacks. It is a happy dance, marked by a lot of movement from the players and a lot of relaxation.

Digital Photography 4288x2848 Color png

@MarcosPalhano, 2013

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0.02 ETH (0.02 ETH)