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“Hanafuda X” collection


HANAFUDA X is a Hanafuda remix project by Gil Kuno. (Hanafuda is a Japanese card game from over 4 centuries ago.) There are 48 cards total, divided into twelve suits, representing months of the year. Each suit is designated by a flower (or plant) and has four cards. In the HANAFUDA X project, each card will have a corresponding video and printable still designed and crafted by Gil Kuno. Each video's soundtrack is a unique sound art/noise composition by Gil.

HANAFUDA X: 08 August - 01 Full Moon (VIDEO, 1/6)

By ....

HANAFUDA X is a Hanafuda remix project by Gil Kuno. (Hanafuda is a Japanese card game from over 4 centuries ago.) There are 48 cards total, divided into twelve suits, representing months of the year. Each suit is designated by a flower (or plant) and has four cards. In the HANAFUDA X project, each card will have a corresponding video and printable still designed and crafted by Gil Kuno.

Each video's soundtrack is a unique sound art/noise composition by Gil. The Full Moon card video has sounds from the Sun recorded by NASA. [Click the sound button to preview the sound. Subwoofers are a plus!]

"HANAFUDA X ::: 08 August - 01 Full Moon" is the genesis piece for this project (as well as Gil's genesis NFT piece.) The original "August Full Moon" card is the most famous card in the deck. Many will recognize it from Tanjiro's earrings in Demon Slayer.

Video is HD (vertical 1080 x 1920), 82 seconds long, and a clean loop.

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