Patrick Amadon's photo

Patrick Amadon

Los Angeles, CA
$222KTotal sales
$9.41Min price
Patrick Amadon, a renowned digital artist known for his graffiti and glitch artwork, has established a prominent presence in the realm of crypto art. Initially a painter, Amadon transitioned to digital art around 2012, garnering widespread acclaim for his innovative techniques. Amadon has gained recognition primarily for his distinctive approach to glitch art, whereby he manipulates digital images to craft captivating and often thought-provoking pieces. His artistic endeavors frequently delve into counter-cultural themes, challenging societal norms and exploring the darker aspects of human existence. Two major events are associated with the name Amadon in 2023. Firstly, his artwork was censored on a large urban screen in Hong Kong, where the artist showed support for local protests defending freedom of speech. Secondly, the artist declined to participate in the organized Sotheby's auction "Natively Digital: Glitch-ism" due to a lack of representation of female-identifying artists. Such a manifestation of his ethical stance makes Amadon a rare and particularly valuable artist in the web 3 space.

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This profile is compiled by Curator-at-large Andrea Misiano.
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By Andrea Misiano


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Apr ‘21
Feb ‘23

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Glitched Painting F 2014

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