Hold Me


Unique (Edition 1 + 1 AP) Hold Me, looped 22 seconds HD 1080p MP4

A series of NFTs from Viral Energy Game. http://viralenergygame.herokuapp.com/

Set in a speculative future inside the Metaverse. It explores our dependency and animistic nature towards our screens and how these self-centered technologies evoke connection yet produce loneliness.

Keiken are a collaborative practice building speculative futures. Recent exhibitions at Koenig Galerie, Tokyo Photographic Museum + FACT Liverpool.


Is held on Foundation
Starting bid
0.75 ETH
We don’t charge any fees
The Curated platform supports openness in the Web3 space. Most of the works featured in this Curator’s Choice section are fetched from external Web3 marketplaces and fall under their respective regulations, and remain the intellectual copyright of the artists. The editorials are non-commercial and we do not take any fees or commissions.