pi(x)el 1/5

By Filip Custic

pi(x)el is a project bridging identity, diversity and technology, which will take on different formats across a range of media (performance, interactive sculpture, video art, wearable…)

with pi(x)el, filip custic harnesses technology to sculpt a changeable body, unconstrained by the established norm.

an hyperrealist sculpture, immobile in a rectangular pedestal, wears a suit of digital screens. Strategically located over features including the mouth, eyes or genitals, each screen is a treasury of body-part images filmed from a diverse cast of models. With a simple swipe, the viewer can change these images, using the suit to shape a new body which looks beyond gender, age or race.

this unique NFT is part of the pi(x)el series with a total of 5 pieces.

the images shown on screen are the result of an exhaustive casting process in which Custic set out to express the human body in all its diversity.

each piece displays a selection of different images on the screens.

moving away from the idealised bodies of his previous works, pi(x)el embraces wrinkles, spots and scars, focussing on reality to celebrate human uniqueness.

a 4K quality video will also be provided.

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