Death Given

Curator’s choice

"All media have a suicide pact" (E. Jensen and B. LaBelle).

In 1995, science fiction writer Bruce Sterling made a profound observation about the nature of media. He described it as an extension of our senses, a mode of consciousness, and extra-somatic memory. This highlights the critical role that media plays in shaping our understanding of the world and our place in it. It also emphasizes the importance of preserving media for future generations, as it represents a crystallization of human thought that survives the death of the individual.

As we continue to navigate the digital realm, blockchain technology may prove to be an essential tool for preserving our cultural heritage and ensuring the longevity of human thought. Nonetheless, in the (inter)net of things, death remains a chilling contract that slips into that extra-somatic memory, despite it having seemingly gotten rid of the shell of the media. Often disguised as rather seductively vivid, psychedelic imagery, edgy dreams or dangerous proximities, it smells death even from the screen.

Dilara akbal

Dream - knife or scissors?
Dream - knife or scissors? by Dilara akbal

Dilara Akbal is a contemporary Turkish artist who creates primely digital illustrations and works with watercolours. Her densely populated images are very much reminiscent of trauma-dealing mechanics of the mind, when traumas get fractionalized in myriads of stories and characters in order to ease the blow to the psyche, waiting for the right moment to "blow up".

Carla Monni

Someone has stolen my third eye
Someone has stolen my third eye by Carla Monni

Most of @cryptoartista's works are an ongoing attempt to archive her own bodily movements as a trace of the materiality most likely to disappear in the very near future.



The end of the day is often perceived as the "small death". It is also often the moment in the day when one has time to go through the news of the day. Leading digital artist @xcopy brings our attention to the days of doomscrolling and being caught, often voluntarily, in the infernal loophole of the negative informational field.

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Oficinas TK

Two Carrots and One Lemon - still life
Two Carrots and One Lemon - still life by Oficinas TK

Portugal-based artist @oficinastk makes often conceptual and minimalistic in style artworks. The series of still life compositions, historically associated with the depiction of mortality, is at times animated. Strangely, in this case the liveliness that movements usually adds to still images brings the composition closer to that of a "portrait vivant– another historical genre when people where standing still depicting a scene during a live event. And this in turn, takes us back to the immobility of death.

The Galois Connection x Ghostshoes

Satanic Panic (1 of 3)
Satanic Panic (1 of 3) by The Galois Connection x Ghostshoes

Dark summonings are stereotypically portrayed in sinister environments, as if the nature of the things being called upon from the other world requires a mirroring surrounding for them to feel homely. In this image by @ghostshoes the uncanny feeling comes from the clash between the wealthy interior of this European upper-class family's house, the calm composure of the woman reading her newspaper and the apparition of a black goat, elegantly sitting of the floor. Pointing out to a certain normalization or even sophistication in the manner of the modern "summonings", chilling questions are posed.


Santa Muerte (Detail)
Santa Muerte (Detail) by Hackatao

@hackatao were one of the first OGs in the field. Their works are often provocative in their head-on message, yet subtle and multilayered on detailed on closer inspection, with many details filling the characters their create. References to death come up quite often in their practice in different form. Santa Muerte, a god turned goddess, became a sort of revolutionary leader , protector of the working class and marginalized communities in Mexico and parts of Central America.

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The Curated platform supports openness in the Web3 space. Most of the works featured in this Curator’s Choice section are fetched from external Web3 marketplaces and fall under their respective regulations, and remain the intellectual copyright of the artists. The editorials are non-commercial and we do not take any fees or commissions.