Borrowing the title from Italo Calvino’s eponymous novel as a kind of travelogue to imaginary cities, the following selection of works pays tribute to how vivid and detailed imagination can be.
From designers, architects, and artists, we focused here on the idea of a journey or a time capsule into otherworldly cities that defy quantum possibilities – this series of NFTs is set from the point of view of a multiverse adventurer gallivanting from parallel natures to other cosmos and macrocosm.
“Cyberspace is colonizing what we used to think of as the real world. I think that our grandchildren will probably regard the distinction we make between what we call the real world and what they think of as simply the world as the quaintest and most incomprehensible thing about us.”
(William Gibson, 2010)
In collaboration with Senior Curator Anne Duffau
Borrowing the title from Italo Calvino’s eponymous novel as a kind of travelogue to imaginary cities, the following selection of works pays tribute to how vivid and detailed imagination can be.
From designers, architects, and artists, we focused here on the idea of a journey or a time capsule into otherworldly cities that defy quantum possibilities – this series of NFTs is set from the point of view of a multiverse adventurer gallivanting from parallel natures to other cosmos and macrocosm.
“Cyberspace is colonizing what we used to think of as the real world. I think that our grandchildren will probably regard the distinction we make between what we call the real world and what they think of as simply the world as the quaintest and most incomprehensible thing about us.” (William Gibson, 2010)
In collaboration with Senior Curator Anne Duffau